45 mins Supervision

**Online or face-to-face** Forty-five minutes of supervision to cover practice, sudden ethical dilemmas, reflective awareness, issues of countertransference, client and caseload management. The session may also cover self-care, boundaries and safeguarding. *The diary will book one hour for admin purposes only.*

45 mins Telephone Supervision

**Telephone Supervision** Standing in your clients' *mode of connection* can reveal more about your practice than you might think. Note that *90 Min telephone supervision is not recommended.* by this service, although qualified counsellors could utilise a blend of *45 mins telephone and 45 mins Online. A trainee, however, must select **2 x 45** mins on separate dates* This forty-five minutes of telephone supervision will cover practice, ethical dilemmas, reflective awareness, countertransference, caseload management, self-care, boundaries, safeguarding... *Wifi is required outside of the UK.*

60 Minute Supervision

**60** minutes of either **Online or face-to-face** **Note** This **one-hour** appointment type is in line with the ethical requirement for trainee Counsellors or those qualified who require additional supervision after 1.5 hrs PCM. Supervision to cover practice, sudden ethical dilemmas, client and or caseload management, further developing reflective awareness, and countertransference. Supervision may also cover self-care, boundaries, and safeguarding.

90 mins Supervision

Qualified Counsellors: One and half hours of supervision to cover practice, ethical dilemmas, reflective awareness, countertransference, course client and or caseload management. Focus on one case study or address a selection of practice observations that may challenge your good practice. Typical* supervision sessions cover self-care, boundaries, safeguarding, and all of the above.